Mila Wilkinson

mila's smiling face

I'm a full stack developer with experience in building complete projects using several technologies including the LAMP, MEAN, and Ruby on Rails stacks.

delevoper set up

I love watching and playing sports of all kinds. And I'll always cheer for my Seattle sports teams. #RIPSonics


Animals are the best. That's why I pet-sit as much as possible. Below is one of my clients, Nessie.

mila and nessie

Here are some of the projects I've built

Mila's Pet Sittin' Shop

Pet Sitting MEAN App

I house/pet-sit quite a bit and wanted to create a scheduling app for all of my clients to easily request dates. Users can create a profile, then view my calendar and submit requested dates for me to come watch their pets while they're away. As an admin, I can accept or deny those requests and notify the user with the decision.

Technologies used:

HTML, CSS, JQuery, Express.js, Angular.js, Node.js, MongoDB, Bootstrap 3, FullCalendar, DateTimePicker

Quote Me On That

Quote Me PHP App

Quote Me On That is an app in which users can submit quotes to a general queue and also add or remove quotes to or from their personal "favorites list".

Technologies used:

HTML, CSS, PHP, CodeIgnitor, Materialize

Hey DJ!


In this application, users create their own song playlists. They can contribute songs to the community list and also add a particular song to their playlist multiple times. Also, users can view each other's playlists or view a particular song to see all of the users who have added that song to their own playlist.

Technologies used:

HTML, CSS, Ruby, Rails, Foundation 5

Check out my blog at

When I started to learn to code, I decided to keep a blog so friends and family could follow my coding journey. Click through the images below to see a few of my favorite posts.

Learn more about me on the interwebs!